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Sada filtrů N4 Explore Scientific

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Sada filtrů N4 Explore Scientific
Sada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore ScientificSada filtrů N4 Explore Scientific
Výrobce:Explore Scientific
Cena s DPH : 1 199,00 Kč
DPH:21 %
Dostupnost:Není skladem
EAN: 4007922051642
hmotnost: 0.19

Explore Scientific Filter Set N4 is recommended for lunar and planetary observations through telescopes with an aperture of 200mm (8") and higher.

Set N4 includes the following filters:

Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Green No.56
The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible.

Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Dark Blue No.38A
The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Works well starting with a 10" aperture.

Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21
This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter.

Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Yellow No.8
Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn.

What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it?

Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details.


  • Made from high-quality optical glass
  • Filter glass is absolutely parallel
  • All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings
  • Filter housing from black anodized aluminum
  • Filter threads on both ends (female/male)
  • Multiple filters usage is possible

The kit includes:

  • 4pcs color filter
  • 4pcs protection-case
ZnačkaExplore Scientific
Záruka2 roky
Velikost balení (DxŠxV)11x10x9 cm
Přepravní hmotnost0.19 kg
Typ filtrubarevný
Filtry v sadězelený, světle žlutý, oranžový, tmavě modrý
Materiál optikyoptické sklo
Povrchová úprava optikyantireflexní
Tělohliník, anodický povlak
Průměr tubusu (palce)1,25
Vnější závit (pro instalaci do okuláru)yes
Vnitřní závit (pro kombinaci různých filtrů)yes
Další vlastnostizávity na obou stranách těla
Pouzdro je součástí balíčkuyes

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